iOS 9 Concept | The Media Leader

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Take a look at this iOS 9 Concept from 18 year old Ralph Theodory, who frequently uploads technology related videos on his YouTube Channel.

This concept contains a lot of exciting new features, which the iOS operating system could really benefit from. A possible update like this would also give developers have more control over the device, allowing you to customise it even more.

The upgrade also shows an integration and similar lay out to the upcoming Apple Watch, which I believe would encourage users to make the most of of using both devices in sync.

Some of my favourite ideas from this concept include the option to close all apps at once (something which would really save iOS users a lot of time and battery), the ability to search for items in the settings app, or view its history allowing you to simply undo any recent setting changes, and the ability to change the clock face on your lock screen. I also believe that an increase these types of widgets would help beat completion with Android, as they would now allow users to make their devices more personal, rather than everyone having the exact same device – something the introduction of the iPhone 5Cs and iOS 7 helped improve.

Be sure to take a look at this incredible concept, subscribe to Ralph Theodory, and always feel free to tell us what you think in the comments below!